I had a lovely bit of news today which was most welcome after the rejection I received last week for one of my children's stories that has been with a publisher for six months.
I felt very deflated to start with, but at least it was another positive rejection, with very nice comments about the main character and gave me hope for the future.
It's strong competition in the children's book market and sometimes I feel it's almost impossible to break through. However, I am on holiday for a whole week and will be sending it off to many more publishers in the hope of it finding it a home.
The news I had today really lifted my spirits as it was so different from the crazy and competitive world of book publishing.
Talking Newspapers for the blind are coming to interview me next week. They want to include a little humorous bit about chickens and my book on a future CD.
They make an audio CD for the blind with features and news, just like any other newspaper. What a wonderful thing! To give pleasure to those people who are unable see the words of a newspaper, book or a magazine that many of us take for granted. I can't wait to find out more about it. ( It may be a future article for me to write)
The Editor said he would like to hear the chickens talking - I just hope they don't get too nervous being interviewed - unlike me who will probably be a nervous but very excited wreck!